St Raphael’s Catholic Primary School South Hurstville understands the importance of student voice and its impact on student wellbeing. The school provides opportunities for authentic student decision-making over matters that affect them. We ensure an inclusive and interactive learning environment exists to encourage active student participation. We explicitly teach social and emotional skills using evidence-informed practices related to personal safety, resilience, help-seeking and protective behaviours across the curriculum. In addition, we collaborate with students to develop strategies to enhance wellbeing and promote safety in all online and physical spaces.

Student leadership is highly valued at St Raphael’s. The students are given many opportunities for student leadership including:

  • Student Representative Council
  • School Captains/Vice Captains
  • Sports Captains 
  • Evangelisation Team 
  • Schoolwide Positive Behaviours for Learning  Leaders
  • Technology Monitors
  • Library Monitors